verb, transitive. To tell someone that an idea or belief is mistaken.
He paused when he reached the section on the application that asked, "Have you ever worked for or applied to this company before? If so, give dates and details."
He chuckled. Yes, he had worked for this company before--32 years before, to be specific. He had tolerated the abuse for five months before quitting without notice. Five years after that, he had returned and submitted an application after being laid off from the company that had hired him after that. They wouldn't meet his salary requirement and that was the end of that. He had then been hired by a company that took full advantage of his talents and grew explosively. He had worked there happily for twenty-five years. Then the boss retired and things changed.
He bent to the application again and scribbled details about the application he had filed with thm twenty-seven years ago. When he finished, there was no room to add anything about his previous stint of working there that ended so badly.
He carried the finished application to the receptionist and handed it over. He thanked her for the opportunity and left the building.
As he drove to his next prospect, he reflected that he hadn't recognized anyone he saw in the office and was unaware of anyone from his previous time there who was still employed. If they didn't check their old records, they might never discover the omission. If they did, he would undeceive them and explain it by stating that there hadn't been enough room on the application to include that earlier job with them.
Definitions adapted from The New Oxford American Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Inc., 2005 (eBook Edition, copyright 2008), and from Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam Company, Publishers, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, 1965, depending on which is more convenient to hand.
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