Saturday, September 29, 2012


verb, transitive. To strike forcefully with a sharp blow. Special usage: To murder.

Every now and then, she would be seized by the urge to keep house properly. This urge would result in a cyclone of unaccustomed activity: sweeping, dusting, vacuuming, and carrying rugs outside so she could whack the dust out of them; followed by washing: every surface, top to bottom. The work was so intense that she rarely finished more than one room, and almost never felt the urge to pick up the cleaning where she had abandoned it previously. As a consequence, her house was never better than tidy, and usually much less than that.

Definitions adapted from The New Oxford American Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Inc., 2005 (eBook Edition, copyright 2008), and from Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam Company, Publishers, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, 1965, depending on which is more convenient to hand.

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